{{pageModel.leagueAbbr}} {{pageModel.subtitle}} | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Start-to-Finish Averages (2024)
Start-to-Finish Averages by Start Position
2024 Cumulative Season Results Through Race 32 of 33
Avg Start-
Avg Base
1 10 1 -9 31.7 5 15.6 15 46.9 20 62.5
2 12.6 6 -10.6 31.4 8 25 14 43.8 19 59.4
3 11.8 3 -8.8 29.3 0 0 11 34.4 19 59.4
4 16.1 10 -12.1 26.3 2 6.2 7 21.9 13 40.6
5 14.3 7 -9.3 31.5 1 3.1 9 28.1 14 43.8
6 11.2 2 -5.2 31.8 3 9.4 12 37.5 19 59.4
7 11.8 4 -4.8 26.9 1 3.1 7 21.9 18 56.2
8 12.5 5 -4.5 29.6 1 3.1 10 31.2 19 59.4
9 17.5 13 -8.5 25.3 2 6.2 7 21.9 16 50
10 15.2 9 -5.2 25.1 1 3.1 9 28.1 14 43.8
11 16.2 11 -5.2 25.6 0 0 7 21.9 15 46.9
12 14.7 8 -2.7 22.4 2 6.2 9 28.1 16 50
13 17.8 14 -4.8 21.3 0 0 3 9.4 11 34.4
14 18.9 18 -4.9 20.6 0 0 5 15.6 10 31.2
15 16.9 12 -1.9 18.2 1 3.1 4 12.5 8 25
16 18.8 17 -2.8 18.1 2 6.2 6 18.8 11 34.4
17 18.7 16 -1.7 18.6 0 0 2 6.2 6 18.8
18 20.5 21 -2.5 16.3 0 0 1 3.1 5 15.6
19 21.4 22 -2.4 16.9 0 0 2 6.2 5 15.6
20 21.9 24 -1.9 14 0 0 2 6.2 6 18.8
21 19.9 20 +1.1 16.1 0 0 2 6.2 6 18.8
22 18.3 15 +3.7 14.4 0 0 2 6.2 9 28.1
23 19.2 19 +3.8 17.2 1 3.1 2 6.2 7 21.9
24 22.4 26 +1.6 13.1 0 0 1 3.1 3 9.4
25 22.2 25 +2.8 14.7 0 0 0 0 3 9.4
26 24.3 30 +1.7 12.5 0 0 2 6.2 4 12.5
27 21.8 23 +5.2 14.7 1 3.1 3 9.4 3 9.4
28 25.5 36 +2.5 10 0 0 0 0 2 6.2
29 23.1 28 +5.9 12.5 0 0 1 3.1 2 6.2
30 23 27 +7 11.8 1 3.1 1 3.1 2 6.2
31 23.4 29 +7.6 13 0 0 0 0 1 3.1
32 26.5 37 +5.5 9.7 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 24.6 32 +8.4 10.5 0 0 1 3.1 2 6.2
34 25.2 33 +8.8 10.9 0 0 0 0 1 3.1
35 26.9 38 +8.1 9.8 0 0 0 0 1 3.1
36 25.3 34 +10.7 11.4 0 0 0 0 3 9.4
37 25.4 35 +11.6 9.8 0 0 1 3.1 4 12.5
38 24.4 31 +13.6 12 0 0 2 6.2 3 9.4
Note: This page shows average results for drivers by position at the start of the race and includes all position changes that may take place after qualifying. Start-to-Finish averages: This figure represents the difference between a driver's average starting and finishing positions. For example, a driver who starts 12th and finishes fifth gained seven spots (+7). Negative numbers mean drivers from that starting position finished worse than they started. Base points: NASCAR awards points based on finish position (from 180 to 34) as well as bonus points for leading laps. However, bonus points are not counted when figuring base points, making it more reflective of the starting position's effect on the outcome.